Title: Radiance
Media: Acrylic on Canvas - all dots are hand painted by brush
Size: 25cm x 25cm
SOLD At First of the Block Exhibition at Mairgani Art Centre, Auckland - Opens Jan 20th
Blast off in the New YearBy Alyson B. Stanfield, ArtBizCoach.comA couple of weeks ago I asked you to take time from your bustling schedule to celebrate all you've gotten done in the last 12 months. If you haven't celebrated your 2008 accomplishments, I hope you'll take the time to do that.
Now it's time to look forward. Time to blast off! Yep, I'm going to use the "G word": Goals. It's goal-setting time. I'm certain this is not the only newsletter you'll receive this week on setting goals. But I'm not going to ask you to create deadlines and action steps. Instead, I'd like for you to set intentions--intentions that form a vision for marketing yourself and your art in the New Year.
Let's start with a couple of big questions.
1. How do you intend to promote your art consistently? Last fall my mastermind partner challenged me to come up with a list of 100 ways to promote my business, and I succeeded. Now, I need to do something with that list. So, I select 2-5 ideas for promoting my business each month depending on the degree of difficulty of each item. It's not a year long plan, but it works for me and it might work for you.
2. How do you intend to bring in more money from your art business? This might require more detailed planning and actually putting a pen to paper, which is why I'm teaching "A Quick-and-Easy Marketing Plan" during January's smARTist Telesummit. See
http://snipurl.com/smartistevents The point is to avoid a fuzzy goal like "make more money" and come up with a workable plan that helps you envision success. After you've tackled these big questions, add to your vision by considering the following.
What will you do to become better known online?
What can you write a press release about? Of course, then you must distribute the release and follow up.
What technological skills do you need to learn or improve?
How many people would you like to add to your mailing list?
What cool or influential people in your community would you like to meet?
What printed marketing piece do you need to create or revamp? (I'll have an upcoming newsletter on writing brochures, so be sure to look for it.)
How will you juice up your newsletters and email blasts so that people look forward to them? (Review pages 148-149 in "I'd Rather Be in the Studio!")
What books do you need to read to help your career? A good one for a new beginning is Twyla Tharp's "The Creative Habit."
http://snipurl.com/1pxseWhat organizations will you join or become involved with? What organizations or affiliations should you move on from? Sometimes we stay in situations because they're comfortable. You need to recognize when something has served its purpose and is no longer challenging you to be your best.
What grants/honors/awards will you apply for? Hey, getting the application completed is a win in itself! Writing a grant application helps you get motivated and organized.
What galleries, exhibits, or other venues will you submit your art to?
Where can you save a wad of money?
Finally, a matter you might not have considered. How will you improve your mindset so that promoting your art and making money as an artist becomes easier and more joyful? They say attitude is everything. How is yours? Are you in an emotional, mental, and spiritual place that allows abundance to flow? Or do you have blocks in some areas? It's hard to get other people excited about your art when you don't enjoy sharing it.
We're going to work on mindset, routines, and intentions in the New Year Blast Off class, which begins next week. Think about joining us. Find out more at
http://artbizcoach.com/classes/blastoff.htmlKnow This . . .There's just something about this moment that is ripe for positive change.
Think About This . . . Are you going to miss this opportunity?
Do This . . . Blast off in the New Year! Whether you call them goals, intentions, or visions isn't important. What's important is that you identify them--that you know where you want to go.
© 2009 Alyson B. Stanfield. Alyson takes the mystery out of marketing your art and making more money as an artist. Visit
http://www.artbizcoach.com/ to get articles just like this one delivered to your inbox.