The Battle is on for NZ Small Businesses
NZ Art Guild Battles It Out For Top Spot
The finalists in The David Awards 2009: heroes in small business have been named.
The NZ Art Guild is proud to be one of 3 finalists named in the Most Community Minded Business Category. This is a business which gives back to its community, e.g. local, regional or industry sector, in ways, shapes or forms which benefit the community significantly.
The David Awards recognise the unsung heroes in home and small businesses throughout New Zealand, whose tenacity, courage and ingenuity place them firmly at the forefront of entrepreneurship in this country.
Just as David, an ordinary, unassuming young man, used shrewdness and a simple slingshot to conquer the giant Goliath, so these entrepreneurial David’s often punch well above their weight.
The NZ Art Guild provides promotion, support, opportunities and resources to NZ visual artists and is also actively involved in the wider community by raising money and awareness for charities. In the past year they have helped raise nearly $85,000 for charity including $22,000 for the Leukaemia and Blood Foundation of NZ and $9,000 for the Mental Health Foundation of NZ.
Guild Manager, Sophia Elise says “We are very excited and humbled to be selected as a finalist in the David Awards. We couldn’t think of a better category for us to be – we love to give not only to the creative community but also to the wider New Zealand community and charities.”
The David Awards seek to honour these heroes in small business. The organizer of the Awards, Heather Douglas, says, “The judges felt there was a strong and varied field of entrants this year. These finalists are inspiring, courageous business people with a passion for what they do and the determination to make it work. Some have overcome considerable adversity in order to reach the success they now enjoy.”
Category winners and a Supreme Award will be announced during a live webcast on The David Awards web site from 10.30 a.m. on the 7th of October. A podcast of the event will be available for download for an extended period after the actual ceremony.
For more information go to www.nzartguild.co.nz or www.thedavidawards.co.nz