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If you see an artwork on this website that you like but it's already sold - please contact Sophia as she does commissions.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Another 2 weeks have passed!

Where did that time go????

I've been so busy managing the NZ Art Guild and all the changes that's going through, that I haven't done hardly any painting nor have I even updated my blog....very slack!!

I do hope things will settle...but maybe I need to be realistic and accept they won't...that this is my lot for the moment....and its all good...just a different direction from what I had intended to take last year. :-) goal at the moment is to at least try to complete the theme challenges the NZ Art Guild has each fortnight. Once a fortnight a topic is announced and members can participate in these. It gives them the opportunity to push themselves..t.hink outside the square and complete an original artwork based on that topic within 2 weeks. Members can then choose to list them on Trade me and sell them.

My next post will have my theme week entry for this fortnight....And if you have the time...login to Trade me and search for NZ Art Guild to see all the other fab artwork!

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