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If you see an artwork on this website that you like but it's already sold - please contact Sophia as she does commissions.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Phew! Where has the last month gone?!?!?

Havent been painting much at all. But I have had a little play with a couple of things and hope that my hectic life will quiet down enough so that I can paint some new and fabulous artworks for the exhibiton in June! Now, if you want to know whats kept me away from the brushes all this time - check out the new NZ Art Guild website.

My first project for the last month was to complete my "patch" for our family "patchwork painting that we are doing. This is my sons "project" so hes chosen the colours - the designs - how many patches are going to be given out and to who.

The other thing I did was play around with colour combinations for my dot series. Some were just not suitable for public viewing! lol

The other two pieces I completed were older ones I reworked.

Here's one of them -

Life Redone - For Sale contact me

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