To view more of Sophia's art go to or

to purchase prints and cards of her artwork go to

If you see an artwork on this website that you like but it's already sold - please contact Sophia as she does commissions.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Don't miss this NZ first in Art Awards -

NZAG Art Awards 2008

When: Opening night and award ceremony - Fri Feb 1st 6:30pm - All Welcome - Free entry

Where: Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna Beach, North Shore City, Auckland

The NZ Art Guild is holding it's first annual art Awards at the Bruce Mason Centre in February 2008. Come and see what NZ Artists have to offer and join us in this exciting inaugural event.

If you can't make the awards ceremony, don't worry, the exhibition will run for the entire month of February so stop by anytime. Remember to tell all your friends and family about it - this will be an exhibition NOT to miss!

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