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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Second water colour painting

While I was doing the wash over the first one - thought I would do a second one wtih blues .... it's on a different paper ... and I quite like the effect of this one ...

I'm planning on using a piece of this in my artwork for the NZ Art Guild Collaborative project Ngatahi which is under way at the moment.


Melissa Muirhead said...

Pretty! I need to get my a into g and do my Ngatahi pieces too. Can't wait to see it all put together. Nice to see you blogging again too my dear xxxx

Kay said...

Maybe, (thinking of your dotty work), you could work back into some of the geometrical shapes with darker tones?

Sophia Elise said...

Hey Melissa, can't ait til we can get it all together - still heaps to come back yet. xx

Hi Kay, I was wondering how to go about picking out certain parts that you want to emphasise .... at least the papaers have flattened out completly again - phew! lol

Kay said...

Good question...

Firstly though, if you want to keep the paper flat you can actually stretch it again, although you will probably lose any sharp edges you have, and could get a few bleeds (depending on your pigments). It's a myth that watercolours and paper are delicate, I have even put one under the tap and scrubbed it with a soft brush!

Paper will cockle when wet again, but if you are just working on small sections any tape to keep it flat should do the job well enough for you.

I would suggest you hold your work up to the mirror and see if any part of it looks unbalanced. If it does, that might be the part to work on.

Otherwise, just run on instinct and have some fun. Ask yourself what you are wanting to convey, and take it from there.

Good luck!

Kay said...

No excuses! Keep us posted :-)

Melissa said...

Hi Sophia,

I just love the watercolor paintings! I posted a link & image on my blog, I hope that's OK :)


Sophia Elise said...

Hi Melissa, thanks so much! For the lovely comment and the link to the artwork and blog - much appreciated!

Hi Kay - ummm yes I'm the queen of excuses - so I will post none ;-) hehehe

Thomas Sheridan said...

oh I really love this and the rest of your work. This piece is certainly me today. Nice one.