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If you see an artwork on this website that you like but it's already sold - please contact Sophia as she does commissions.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

NZ's Got Talent

"New Zealand's Got Talent" is the latest exhibition that I'm involved in. There are 4 small artworks of mine - 2 dotty ones - 2 mixed media ones. This is an exhibition which features both award-winning and emerging artists organised by fellow NZ Art Guild member - Chavah Kinloch.

It showcases a broad range of styles and is an expose of the upcoming visual art talent that New Zealand has to offer. From abstract to landscapes, mixed media to mosaics the lineup of 29 amazing artists is sure to delight viewers from all walks of life. The month long exhibit will be held at City Gallery, Don Street, Invercargill and opening night at 7pm, March 5th 2010. The exhibition itself is open to the public and will run from March 5th-31st.

Participating NZ Art Guild Artists: Janet Marshall, Sophia Elisa, Kirsty Black, Tanya Dann, Jane Santos, Natasha Shackleton, Chavah Kinloch, Sally Blyth, Robyn Robertson, Amy Mackiewicz, Sharlene Schmidt, Michelle Wallis, Suzanne Carter, Marimba Powley, Cath Sheard, Ambury Hall, Lyn Hurring, Pam Tapp, Ana Te Huurne, Sofia Spirtova, Theresa Cashmore and Rachael Inch.

Non- NZ Art Guild Artists: Philina Den Dulk, Tracey Strenhouse, Denita Tizard, Kay Ward, Alfred Memelink, Melissa McCreanor, and Erika Husselmann.

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