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Thursday, May 5, 2011


Title: Forevermore
Artist: Sophia Elise
Media: Acrylic on Torso - flat back so can be hung on a wall
Dots are all hand painted in black, white and grey
FOR SALE: $POA contact

This torso will be exhibited at "Reflections of Italy" at the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts in Wellington - opening night Monday 16th May 5:30pm.

I'm really looking forward to meeting up with fellow NZ Art Guild members and the friends I made in Italy last year when we all exhibited together at the "Legato" Exhibition.

The title if this artwork actually came to me while I was painting it - although I wasn't convinced that that was the right title for it at the time it is the one that keeps coming back to me again and again.  The theme and emotions are a continuation of the series that I exhibited in Italy. 

This is about eternal love - love lost -  but love that still lives on forever ..... It's a really positive piece - this women has incredible strength - and amazing gratitude for having experienced such a wonderful love in her life despite having it taken from her.  She enjoys the memories that are with her forevermore as her life goes on and she grows ....

Initially the grief is overwhelming .... How does she live without him?  Please take a minute to listen to this song and lyrics

Then the realisation that the love will live on .... please stop for a minute to listen to this song and lyrics

I feel a huge sense of peace with this artwork - It is hanging on my wall giving out such wonderful energy - I hope that you enjoy it too and the story behind it.

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