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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Parting of the Ways

I reworked this one - still has the same meaning and inspiration behind it - but I have just incoporated my journey of life series into it.
TITLE: Parting of the Ways
MATERIALS: Acrylic, fabric and resin on canvas
SIZE: 25cm x 50cm x 3.5cm
Very typical of my minimalist style. Painted in red, black and white. Fabric has been applied with resin over the top. The resin drips off the sides in opposite directions (hard to see in the photo sorry)
There was a lot of different things that inspired this peice. It is very personal and reflects where I am in my life at the moment. The colours are in keeping with lot of my art lately...white and black symbolising truth/honest and lies/decpetion. Red emotions.
However there is another interpretation - red and black representing two seperate people. The white the area where they are trying to blend in harmony.The material is meshed, representing a ladder for personal growth. Also a seive, some things we take with us others we leave behind.
The colours crossing over into the mesh of the other. Even when you part you still take away something of the other person with you. The two pieces never quite meeting in this relationship, finally parting and going their own ways.
The resin is the inevitable tears and heartbreak. Going in different directions.
"to be trusted is a greater complement than to be loved" - George McDonald

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