To view more of Sophia's art go to or

to purchase prints and cards of her artwork go to

If you see an artwork on this website that you like but it's already sold - please contact Sophia as she does commissions.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Howick RSA preshowing of Legato Artworks

A couple of weeks ago the Howick RSA very kindly hosted us at their wonderful venue for 13 of the Legato Artists to show some of their artworks. This was a fabulous opportunity to talk with the members of the RSA and especially Watty McEwen who is a Cassino Veteran.

Anzac story leads to special work of art
TV3 were at Howick RSA where there was a small group of the Legato artists showed some of their artworks. Cassino Vet Watty McEwen was presented with a very special artwork done by Auckland artist Merv Appleton. Read and watch the story by following the link above.
Presentation of Merv Appletons artwork from Barry to Watty

Some of the artists - left to right - Lorraine Beattie, Gail Boyle, Gilmore Wall, Merv Appleton, Sally Blyth, Sophia Elise and Angela Laby - artwork by Angela Laby.

Watty McEwen being intervied by Sophia Elise and TV3 news

Artworks by Sally Blyth, Gail Boyle, Merv Appleton, Gidon Bing, Sophia Elise, Pam Tapp

Artworks by Lorraine Beattie, Sally Blyth, Sophia Elise

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