Title: Natural Leader
Media: Paper, acrylic paint (red and black), crackle medium (to give an aged effect) and resin ( to give it a very glassy glossy finish).
Size: 25cm x 25cm x 3.5cm
This was painted to coincide with the NZ Art Guild theme weeks. members are given two weeks to create an original artwork based on a slected them. This weeks theme was "Natural".
I just couldnt single out any one part of this....and I really wanted to share Anjali Mahaldar's message with you.....so I have copied the whole exert below.
The Natural Leader
If you would be a leader among people, do so if you possess these three: courage, strength of character, and humility.
For know well that in your accomplishments lies not personal greatness. Any such notion of personal grandeur is a mistaken one. It will only serve to cloud your mind and blur your vision.
If you will know in the depths of your being that at the heart of your success is the mighty power that you draw from - the very same that sustains the universe, then you will be a bright light among the people, and a person of real distinction.
Place then credit where it is due, and for the occasional error, whether it be noticed or not, be quick to tender an apology, for in this does your humility show, and in this is the mark of true greatness. Know that in humility there is great power. Recognize well this as among the paradoxes of life. Fortunate then, will be those who find a leader in you, for their success is assured.
Keep kindness for your shield, and know this is never a weakness, and find your strength in gentleness. In your kindness you will be compassionate and tolerant.
Out of nobility of heart and honor, use wisely words that heal, and keep away from those that cut like swords only to wound. This is the way of the natural leader.
– Anjali Mahaldar December 22, 2002