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Monday, November 20, 2006


Title: Nature
Media: Acrylic, texture gel and resin on canvas
Size: 25cm x 25cm x 3.5cm

This piece was also created to fit in with the NZ Art Guild theme week. Artists are given two weeks to complete an original artwork on a set theme. This weeks theme was "Natural"

The words read "Those who find beauty in all of nature will find themselves at one with the secrets of life itself" L W Gilbert

This painting reflects so far as look past the faults and see the beauty...perfection does not equal beauty...there is beauty everywhere...and when you can see the beauty in everything, regardless, then you will be happy, truly happy, and at peace within yourself.
The resin is intentionally applied in a non perfect way...thinner in some areas...more in others...the lines are not perfectly spaced either....this is done to symbolise and reflect the quote. This is a huge variation for me as I usually make sure that everything is perfectly even, to do so intentionally is not as easy as it seems! lol

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