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Friday, November 21, 2008

Romantic Commission Finished ....

Well today I just finished a very romantic commission. One of my work friends who has come to a few of my art events is the proud owner of 3 my dot paintings already. He is off to the Philippines soon to be reunited with his bride to be and they will be making a new life together in NZ. He came up with an idea of an artwork for their new home - and we worked together for a few weeks to get the design and lettering just right (easier said than done we can both tell you!)

It's a special piece that will be seen when visitors enter their home. It embrace her culture and says "mubahay" which is welcome in Filipino.

I added my own little twist to embrace the NZ culture by putting koru designs in it. The Koru depicts new beginnings, growth, strength and harmony, taken from the symbolism of a unfurled silver fern leaf.

It was great to be painting again - and once I started I didn't want to stop - my shoulder and hand are feeling it a bit today - not to mention a bit of sleep deprivation too! But it was well worth the effort. Here's a sneak preview of the artwork.

Title: Mabuhay
Artist: Sophia Elise
Media: Tissue and Acrylic on Canvas. All the dots are hand painted by brush in black, grey and white on a red background (Same colour scheme as the other ones he owns)


Jan said...

I found "Thought for the Day," in Alltop, which led me to your blog. It's a Sunday here in the Philippines, time to recharge from the wear and tear of life, so to speak. Your thoughtful posts make the task rather easy. I'm glad I found a kindred spirit through your blog. A minor point though: welcome in Filipino is Mabuhay. Cheers!

Sophia Elise said...

Hi Jan, Thanks so much for your message - it's amazing to hear that in some way I've made someones day a little easier. And thank you for pointing out my typo - I have corrected it now - luckily I got it right in the painting - that would have rather embrassing otherwise! oops! Hope you have managed to recharge your batteries for the week ahead. :-) Sophia