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If you see an artwork on this website that you like but it's already sold - please contact Sophia as she does commissions.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

"On my mind" for the NZ Art Guild Collaborative Project 2008 - Reach out

Each year NZ Art Guild members from around New Zealand join together to create one artwork made up of multiple pieces - no one knows what anyone else is creating - or what the finished design will be (well except the people that are co-ordinating it! lol) This years project was devised by Sophia Elise (me) and Melissa Muirhead (one of the NZ Art Guild Moderators)

This year we have 88 artists contributing to it!! More than the previous projects!

Members are given the materials to create their art on with some instructions - and of course a theme. This year the completed artwork is called "Reach Out" - the theme is "On Your Mind"

"Reach Out" will be exhibited at the members exhibition "Make it Memorable" in July at the Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna, Auckland.

Above is my contribution to the project. Always on my mind is the opportunity to paint more .. and where we are going in life - therefore this is a piece from my journey of life series ...


Melissa Muirhead said...

Very very cool Sophia. I love it. I think I've almost figured out mine in my head - hopefully!!!!

Sophia Elise said...

Thanks babe! I knew this was always going to be a dotty one ... cant wait to see all the others - yours included! :-)