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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Take charge of your time

Take charge of your time

Time management is the crucial tool in achieving this. While time is finite and something we take for granted, the truth is we all get exactly the same amount of time - 24 hours per day! From students to corporate heads - no one gets any more hours in the day.

Again, like clutter clearing, learning to manage your time will increase your productivity, allowing you to focus on your priorities. There's no need to adopt an old-fashioned one-size-fits-all mentality regarding time management. You can, and should personalise a plan that fits your needs.

Honestly ask yourself how and when are you most likely to 'waste' time, then look for ways to minimise these time traps. Resolve to block out chunks of time for specific projects and plan a realistic schedule. Experiment until you find a system that works for you, then make it part of your daily routine.

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