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Friday, November 21, 2008

Thought of the day

Everyday courage has few witnesses. But yours is no less noble because no drum beats for you and no crowds shout your name. - Robert Louis Stevenson

My dear friend sent this to me - so true - so many people are being very courageous in hard times - with the current economy and job market - redundancies everywhere you look - in fact the friend that send me this was made redundant this week after 21 years with the company - I was made redundant yesterday (from the same company) and another friend of mine (from a different company) was also made redundant. These times call for inner strength and courage - and to have faith that there will be something better round the corner. To remember that it's not personal - that it's not a rejection of you - or you that's redundant - but simply a business decision and your job that's redundant.

We always have to look on the bright side of life - and although I'm looking for work straight away - if it doesn't appear - I will embrace the positive. The upside for me as a single parent - school holidays with my kids!! yay!! I won't have to farm them out to my sister and mum - I can actually spend the time with them myself. Finally I will also have a little time to myself too - time to paint - to create - to get back to my passions - after working such long hours with no breaks - holidays or days off - this is going to be quite a novel experience.

Let's see what's round the corner ......


Kay said...

Bucket list? mmmm...

I still want to learn to fly, and to go up in a hot air balloon.

But for the every day things? That's easy. Good health, and time with good friends. And it would be nice to do a secret kindness every day. And those things are all in my own hands! Makes you realise that blessings are all around, and pretty easy to count, really!

Sophia Elise said...

Ooooh yes - would love to do the hot air balloon as well - in actual fact I always had this romantic notion as a child that the man of my dreams would whisk me off in a hot air balloon and propose

I agree ... blessings are all around ... we just need to open our eyes, heart and minds to see them sometimes :-)