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Monday, December 18, 2006

Wisdom # 18

WOW! Just in the nick of time!!!
This is a crazy time of year to try and complete one a day - with school ending for the 4 shopping and preparations...not to mention 3 birthdays this week too!! ARGHH!!!
But I did it!! Phew..... And its another dotty one too....told you I felt another one coming on....just didnt realise it would be the following day! lol
TITLE: Wisdom # 18
MATERIALS: Acrylic on canvas
SIZE: 20cm x 20cm x 3.5cm
Painted in greens and white. All the dots are hand painted by brush. ( the dark patches are actually dots - just hard to see with my crappy photographic skills! lol) The words are written around the sides of the painting.
The words read "Let all circumstances, all happenings in life, be occassions constantly renewed for learning more and more" - Sri Aurobindo Ashram

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