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Saturday, December 9, 2006

Wisdom # 9

TITLE: Wisdom #9
MATERIALS: Acrylic and resin on canvas
SIZE: 10cm x 10cm x 3.5cm (Nice size to sit on a shelf)
I seem to be having a bit of a theme this and gold..... lol
Painted in red with black writing. The borders are metallic gold and the whole canvas is covered with giving it a really glassy effect.
The words read "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds " - F Bacon
I really like this covers a lot with such a simple phrase. My son and I had a great discussion about this!


Moira Marshall said...

It's a shame that the resin finish isn't easily captured on the photo, after seeing your work in person, I was very impressed with the smooth glass-like finish that these resin works have.

Sophia Elise said...

Hi Moira. Always lovely to hear from you! Thanks so much!! Yes its very difficult to capture the finish of them. I always toss up to photograph them prior to the resin so that you can see the painting clearly....or risk it after the resin with the reflections and falshbacks. Only wish I could capture the true look....all I can say is they are better in the flesh! lol