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Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Earnest # 3

TITLE: Earnest # 3 (03/01/07)
MATERIALS: Acrylic on canvas
SIZE: 20cm x 20cm x 3.5cm

This is a bright painting with multiple colours finished with resin. Such a vibrant glossy piece.
The quote is written on the side and reads "Five things consititue perfect virtue: gravity, magnanimity, earnestness, sincerity and kindness" - Confucius


Anonymous said...

Wow! I just found you via DailyPainters and I love this new work of yours. As a fellow Kiwi - your work rocks :-)

Sophia Elise said...

Hi. Thanks so much! *blush* Always great to get such positive feedback especially from fellow artists....and kiwi ones at that! I took a look at your blog and must say I'm pretty impressed by your artwork too! Have you checked out the NZ Art Guild? Its a great support network for kiwi artists...and its free :)