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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Truth # 2

TITLE: Truth # 2 (20/01/07)
MATERIALS: Acrylic on canvas
SIZE: 15cm x 15cm x 3.5cm
My son wanted this painting so its his now! It has 3 different phrases now painted around the edges. He's a gorgeous boy who is quite exceptional for 7. He is a very deep thinker and feeler. Very philosphical, spiritual and intuitive. Wonderful loving, giving nature. Full of concern for every animal and person. He's a staunch vegetarian already and I can just see him becoming some kind of human/animal rights activist when he's older! lol
To my gorgeous boy Ryan,
"A man can never hope to be more than he is if he is not first honest about what he isn't"
"It is easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough in the face of opposition to stand up for it"
I'm so proud of you for all your strength and courage through adversity. You've displayed maturity beyond your years.
Be true to yourself always.
with much love Mum

Painted in red, black and metallic gold.

The quote is written on the side and reads "A man can never hope to be more than he is if he is not first honest about what he isn't" - Don Williams Jnr

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