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If you see an artwork on this website that you like but it's already sold - please contact Sophia as she does commissions.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Has it really been 5 days since I last posted????

Tuesday I completed a painting (still not photographed) ... one for the JAFA's exhibiton which is fast approaching!

Wednesday I spent the whole day with Antonia hanging our exhibition at the Grand Chancellor Hotel, 1 Hobson Street, Auckland City. Its on until April 4th - so plenty of time to get there and see all the fab artwork. Quite a mixture of styles with Antonia, Tanya and myself.

Thursday I did another painting...and hated it so much I painted over it! arghhhhh

Friday I prepared 3 canvas' ready for painting. Two for Eater show (hopefully) and another for a gallery maybe... finished another one! YAY! now I will try and post the photos...fingers crossed it works this time!

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