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Sunday, June 8, 2008

I am thankful ....

Title: Chain of Life
Size: 20cm x 20cm
Media: Acrylic on canvas
All the dots are handpainted by brush.
I received this via email a few weeks back ... And I think sometimes we do need a reminder of how wonderful our lives are - just even if we stop and reflect on the so called basics we have that we take for granted. It sure does put things in perspective some days ....

I am thankful that I can walk because there are those who have never taken their first step.

I am thankful I can see the beauty all around me because there are those whose world is always dark

I am thankful that I can hear music playing there are those who entire life has been spent in silence

I am thankful my heart can be broken there are those who are so hardened they cannot be touched.

I am thankful I can move about freely and express my beliefs because there are those who live in constant fear.

I am thankful I have been loved because there are those who no one has ever cared for.

I am thankful I can work because there are those who have to depend on others for even their most basic needs

I am thankful for the opportunity to help others because there are those who have no been so abundantly blessed as I.

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