To view more of Sophia's art go to or

to purchase prints and cards of her artwork go to

If you see an artwork on this website that you like but it's already sold - please contact Sophia as she does commissions.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Monday 30th June - Hanging Day

Well this was a full on day - starting at 9:30 at the Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna. Tony Brown, Melissa Muirhead, Michelle Whitehouse and Rifraf - all artists and members of the NZ Art Guild and Allan Muirhead (long suffering hubby of member lol) worked tirelessly to get things set up for the other artists to hang their art at 1pm. Here's a couple of photos of us ...
The artists arrive at 1pm and what a buzz that was - lots of people - fabulous artwork - meeting new friends and old ones too. Awesome experience!!
We finished up at about 5pm ..totally exhausted but very happy!

1 comment:

Chavah Kinloch said...

These paintings are so cute:)