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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Wisdom # 21

TITLE: Wisdom # 21
MATERIALS: Acrylic on canvas
SIZE: 15cm x 15cm x 3.5cm
Yes....I know this is my third one....I just get so much enjoyment out of these...find them so can't think of anything else while you're painting them.
Painted in blues. All the dots are hand painted by brush. The words are written around the sides of the painting.
The words read "We're made wise not by the recollection of our past but the responsibility for our future" - G Bernard Shaw


Paul Hutchinson said...

Hey Sophia! I like this dotty one! Good to see you're keeping up with this PAD business - it's addictive eh?

Sophia Elise said...

Heya! Thanks heaps Paul :) Yes it is addictive...just need more time in the day, because it makes me want to paint more and more!!! I'm also getting a bit addicted to these dotty ones I have to confess lol ;) Have a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year! :)