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Friday, December 22, 2006

Wisdom # 22

TITLE: Wisdom # 22
MATERIALS: Acrylic, paper and resin on canvas
SIZE: 10cm x 20cm x 3.5cm
The whole piece has a crackle medium over it to create an aged effect then resin applied over top. This gives it a really glassy, tile like appearance.

The words read: "Wisdom lies less in what we learn and more in our reactions to that learning; less in the quantity and more in the quality of our knowledge; less in the accumulation of facts and nomenclature, and more in knowledge of principles; less in the possession of ideas and more in the right employment of them; less in all that we gather and must shed, and more in what we assimilate into the texture of that which is an immortal reflection of the soul" - N. Sri Ram


Todd Bonita said...

Beautiful! What kind of crackle medium are you using. I tried to get this effect on a painting I did but it looked more like the crackle you might find on aged furniture. Yours looks perfect. I'd love to know what it is. Great stuff, keep it up. Best,


Sophia Elise said...

Hey Todd. Thanks so much for your lovely compliment! The crackle medium I use is a two part one. Its made by Pratley called Kraftex antique crackle medium. I have to confess to having quite a few failures when I started using this.....and even now I hold my breath when I use it! lol Hope you have a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year.

Kind regards
