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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day

I hope everyone has had a great Mothers day - and got lots of cuddles, kisses and love - not to mention a day that's chore free! lol

My little girl gave me the most gorgeous card that made me giggle ...

My mummy is beautiful and perfect because she gives me treats and she loves me and my brother so much that she will never forget about us. Love from Maria

You have to wonder what goes on in their minds at times to think about what makes them write she will never forget about us - do they really worry that they will be forgotten? Even if she does have that fear at least she is secure in the knowledge that it won't happen.

And of course - it's great to be thought of as beautiful and perfect - because as we all know - there comes the day when they think we know nothing and we're old and ugly ... lol

Treasure the special moments that come straight from a childs heart - with no pretence - no expectation - just the purity of their soul shining through.

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