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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

You are a team - remember it and celebrate it

Title: Sealed with a Kiss (2006)
Media: Mixed Media and Acrylic on canvas

One of the most important things to remember in any relationship - but especially in our romantic ones is - not to response from the "got at place" when you have some kind of conflict. Its so easy for us to jump to our own defense - to become the aggressor - to close down the lines of communication - to feel got at by our nearest and dearest.
Remember you are both on the same side - you are together because you love and care for each other - the other person isn't raising an issue to try and get at you or cause problems in the relationship - they are raising it because they see it as an issue and want to resolve it to make the relationship better for both.
"During conflict, don't respond from the "got at place". Remember you are both on the same side, you both have a common goal"
How often have we heard or even witnessed how best friends make the worst enemies. This is because they know us like no one else. Don't use your deep knowledge of your partner/friend as a weapon when you are arguing. Use all you know about their friendship to move towards reconciliation.

FINALLY - Celebrate your team!
As I've said - remember you're a team - you're not enemies. Celebrate all the small ways you work together, acknowledge how far you've come, how well you have done, what you have achieved, instead of focusing on how far you have got to go.

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