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Monday, August 25, 2008

Lifes Battle - mixed media, textured painting

I have donated this artwork to be auctioned at the NZ Health Industry Awards and Benefit Gala as part of a fundraising campaign for UNICEF. All proceeds will be going towards women and children with HIV and AIDS in Papua New Guinea.
Date: Saturday 11 October 2008
Venue: Bruce Mason Centre Takapuna, North Shore, Auckland
Tickets: Available through Currently on an opening special of $140, tickets will be $150 from 1st September.


Title: Lifes Battle
Media: Mixed Media - Flax weave and acrylic on canvas
Size: 90cm x 60cm

Inspiration and symbolism

This artwork is about the battles that we face on an often daily basis - some are bigger than others - some times it's smooth sailing - the texture represents all these different periods in our lives.

The dot part is from my journey of life series and represents the different paths that we take in life - the twists and turns, the branches ....

Life is harder for some - that's the reality - and we all need to realise that every person we meet in life may be bearing some kind of load that we cannot see ... treat everyone with love, sensitivity and understanding.

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