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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Reach Out Image Used to Promote Mental Health Awareness Week 2008 in NZ

Here is the official poster for Mental Health Awareness Week which is October 2008. If the image looks familiar, it is because the NZ Art Guild donated the use of the image of the collaborative artwork 'Reach Out' to the Mental Health Foundation of NZ for this week.

There are posters, postcards and magnetic words available and you can click here to go to the website to order these resources.
I am incredibly proud to have been involved with this from the conception to the auction - working alongside fantastically gifted and generous artists.

As a nurse I feel especially proud to have been able to contribute in another way to promoting mental health in NZ. It is something I have always felt passionately about since I started my nursing trainting when I was 16 (nearly 20 years ago! lol) A year ago I would never have dreamed this was possible ...just shows you that you never know what is around the corner ....or where life may take you.
It is an incredible image with enormous soul - and just fantastic that a national organisation is using this as their main image for the nation-wide campaign in October.

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