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Monday, August 4, 2008

Self Discipline - the way to success

We can blame circumstances all we want. But in our hearts we often know that it's our own lack of realcommitment which is the reason for most of our unachieved goals, whether its intellectually, sporting, career, money, etc. Fortunately, we can change this.

Matthew Kelly said - "Self-discipline is the foundation of freedom. It is the foundation of greatness, achievement, heroism, leadership, sanctity, and vibrant and flourishing communities and nations. If you examine the lives of men and women who have achieved little or nothing with their lives, people who are miserable, mean and dispassionate, you will discover that it was not other people who destroyed their lives. Destruction always comes from within."

Feeling satisfied with life often comes from meeting your most important goals. Sometimes to achieve these goals you just need to do it instead of wasting time and energy figuring out if you feel like it or not. When we dive in with out all the complaints, procrastination and whinging we are on the path to freedom. Laurence G. Boldt said you have a choice "self-discipline or dependency; boss yourself or be bossed."

Making personal commitments and keeping them can feel like a chore to some people. However, it can be liberating. Pythagoras said "Choose always the way that seems the best, however rough it may be, custom will soon render it easy and agreeable," and "No man is free who cannot command himself."

Ultimately it is all about our frame of mind. Seneca said "Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands." and Aristotle supported this "I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies," "The hardest victory is the victory over self."

Our biggest challenge in life is not to master events but to master ourselves.

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