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Friday, April 11, 2008

Celebrate your achievements ....

Title: Poppy Fields (2004)
Artist: Sophia Elise
Media: Acrylic
Size: 50cm x 60cm

Yesterday one of my friends said to me you're such an achiever but you're always so busy that you never realise it ... It really surprised me because I dont see myself as an achiever (although I know I'm busy! lol) It made me stop and reflect (for a few minutes) and it reminded me on a passage from the book "Mediations for Women Who do too Much" by Ann Wilson Schaef. By the way I highly reccommend it!!!

It talks about "workaholics" as seeing the glass half empty instead of half full. They find it easier to see what they havent done that what they have. Often if you just stop to reflect you will see that you have really accomplished quite a bit. Unfortunately though you often miss the opportunity to revel in your achievements because you have set up so much other stuff that still needs to be done. Therefore what we have achieved pales into insignificance with what we still have left to do.

"Today is awareness day for what I HAVE accomplished"

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