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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Secrets - There is nothing is so burdensome as a secret

Tilte: Torn
Media: Mixed media and acrylic

Why do we need secrets? If we are living a life beyond reproach for the betterment of ourselves and others then what do we need to hide?

Secrets are awful things to keep - the repsonsibility, guilt, shame that is attached to secret keeping can make you quite sick. Sadly we often fail to recognize the effects that secrets have on our lives. They eat away at our heart and soul and affect adversly affect our relationships.

When you decide to share a secret with someone - you give a little of yourself away - if you continue to do that then there will be nothing left of you.

We need to give up secret keeping and live our lives openly, accepting personal responsibility for the decisisons we make and our behaviuor. Once we do this we will begin to feel peace within.

"As awareness increases, the need for personal secrecy decreases"

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