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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Listen to your inner guidance

Title: The Thinker (2006) - Based on one of Eschers artworks
Media: Acrylic with resin
Size: 15cm x 15cm

There was a comment left on my last post which made me think about this ...

that sometimes the more we think the more confused we actually get. We think that thinking will help us resolve a problem - even asking advice from different people - but ultimately we some how seem to end up paralysed with all these thoughts ...

Sometimes we just think too much when we have a problem to solve. We think if we can solve it we will be ok. When we end up getting ourselves into total confusion we then beat ourselves up for not being intelligent enough to work it out. This starts a downward spiral which will continue unless we do something to stop it.

So next time - just stop - wait for your inner guidance - everyone has it - its always there - we just mask it with over complicated thought processes.

Every time you dont follow your inner guidance you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness - Shakti Gawain

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