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Monday, April 14, 2008

You haven't seen the light til you've seen the dark

Title: You havent seen the light 'til you've seen the dark - IKSR (2006)
Media: Acrylic
Size: Diptych 25cm x 40xm each
This painting was inspired by a quote from a great NZ Artist (and mentor) - IKS Robertson.

How often do you hear people say that their marriage/relationship has "lost it" ?

People need to expect bad patches - after all you can only "loose it" if you have found it to begin with. Don't loose heart - weather the storm - remember this too shall pass and the calm afterwards was worth the stormy patch.

"Making a smooth path in marriage is not your responsibility. The courage to embark and the strength to continue is where your effort must go" - Toni Sciarra Poynter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A relationship is only as real as you make it,
if you really want it, show the one that its true,
Don't make her have to second guess your feelings, just tell her.
Don't act like she means nothing, like she's just some other girl,
Remind her that she means the world to you, that no one else comes close,
something as little as a minute phone call, or text message could change so much,
and if that's too much then let her go, and tell her she deserves better.
because if thats the case, then she does, but if not, hold onto her and cherish her,
through the good and the bad, through everything.