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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Don't rely on others judgements of you ...

Title: Boxes (2004)
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 15cm x 15cm

I was having coffee with a gorgeous friend this evening and we were solving the problems of the world and musing about life when he said something that I just had to get written down ...

"Have the confidence in yourself not to rely on other peoples judgements" - Matt Kleinhans

(Matt is an artist in his own right - he is a designer of stage sets, movie costumes etc - not to mention having a great ability to draw too)

Its amazing - one small change in any aspect of our life affects so many facets of ourselves in ways that we could never have imagined. We often bend over backwards to earn respect and admiration only to discover we have no control over how others peceive us. Letting go of the illusion of control changes has positive effects throughout our life.

Don't live your life in fear of others opinions or for someone elses approval - live your life for you and only you - because ultimately what you think and feel about yourself is the most important thing.

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